Mink coat repair
Why is it necessary to do repair of a mink coat? For a number of reasons, bald patches form in the fur, over time, the fur can lose its properties, various troubles occur: spilled wine, juice or other surprises. When it comes time to repair a mink coat, you should contact a professional fur atelier. The questions related to the repair of mink coats, as well as many other questions that arise when servicing expensive fur, are answered by certified specialists of the Voznesenskaya Flagship House of Fashion, who have more than 20 years of experience in furrier production.

When is a mink coat required to be repaired?
After buying a long-awaited fur coat and joyful emotions from owning a new beautiful thing, the time comes to use it. And it should be understood that this purchased expensive fur will have to be properly looked after. There is a GOST (Interstate Standard), which describes the wear life and operating parameters of fur products. However, in life everything depends on the selection of skins, their varieties, from the breeders in the fur industry (what the animals were fed with, what were the conditions of their keeping), the skin wasted and many other factors. One of the most important aspects is the attitude of the hostess to her fur coat - whether the fur is stored correctly, whether it is properly operated, whether a good dry-cleaner is used with high-quality chemicals for the fur or not.
During operation, repair of a mink coat may be required for various reasons. It is always worth remembering that the aging of natural fur does not stop over time, the natural process of decomposition can only be slowed down, even if there was the (best) waste.
The fur specialists of the Voznesenskaya Flagship Fashion House can extend the life of any fur. But at the same time, the conditions for its proper storage and care must be met. In this case repair of a mink coat may not be needed soon.
However, if abrasions appear in the fur product, "bald spots" are visible, the lining is torn off, a skin tear or other signs of fur deterioration are noticeable, you should order immediately. repair of a mink coat in the studio of the Voznesenskaya Flag House of Fashion (Kiev).

To repair a mink coat, sometimes only dry dressing is necessary - this is suitable for old fur coats. This method evens out the skin if it has been deformed or twisted, for example, when melting wet snow on the fur.
Repairing a mink fur coat: how do we do magic healing?
If you notice that the fur product has begun to deteriorate, do not be upset, many troubles with fur are eliminated - repair of a mink coat carried out at a high level by our furriers in Kiev.
Pockets, sides of a fur product, a collar of the inner part, places where hooks are introduced, a back in the area of the shoulder blades (back shelves between the shoulder blades with narrowly cut fur coat patterns), places of armholes are, as a rule, the weakest links of any product. In some cases, the rupture of the armhole may be precisely because of the greatly underestimated armhole in a fur coat - these are frequent mistakes when cutting a product. By the way, a low armhole is often found in standard mink coat sizes, since this size is suitable for all body types. All this is not a problem! Our professionals can handle this!
In the Voznesenskaya Flagship House of Fashion, you can perform a professional repair of a mink coat - miraculous healing is when individual elements are completely restored, redrawn or replaced with new ones. The tears in the fur coat are not just sutured, but restored and strengthened «special materials» without glue, with hand-stitching with furrier stitches according to special patterns and using processing methods only for fur. This technique further makes it possible to exclude the repetition of the story with a rupture in a mink coat.
Tears in the lining fabric can also be repaired in mink, chinchilla and any other fur. Repairing a sheared or plucked mink coat requires more delicate work. The repair of such fur can only be done by a skilled furrier. Only a professional can repair a light mink or dark mink fur coat. The main success of such works lies in the experience of the specialist, in the ideal furrier seams and the skill of the furrier.
It is necessary to repair a fur coat made of mink or other fur also in the event that the product has become heavy and a little chilled: that is, the fur coat turns from soft (which was purchased initially) into a hard and motionless fur coat on which the skin rustles, and on the folds - crunches. For such fur coats, we carry out a full-fledged two-phase dry cleaning at our specialized fur factory. The specialists of the Flagship Fashion House disassemble the fur coat, starting with the lining and inner filling, leaving only the fur, fixing the leather «special materials», so that the fur coat does not stretch and twist in some places. For lining carried out - «water cleaning», and if necessary, a complete replacement of the lining.
Professional dry-cleaning for fur coats is carried out in our fur factory. The first phase of dry cleaning is a classic one, like all dry cleaners, with perchlor. The second phase of dry cleaning is carried out only in our professional fur factory - this is dry cleaning in special beech sawdust. No dry cleaner in Kiev will offer you such a service. Our fur cleaning method is unique. This is the most gentle and safe dry cleaning of fur in special beech sawdust with a certain cut and edges. This sawdust is produced only for professional fur dry cleaners in Denmark and France. Combined with the best fur chemistry, this method gives excellent results. A two-phase dry cleaning of fur removes all greasy and dirtiest places from the down, the fur is fluffed, blown and gently crushed, eliminating all bacteria, mold, moths, larvae, leather mites, sometimes invisible to our eyes.
During two-phase dry cleaning, the fur is polished, becomes shiny, fluffy without combs and brass teeth, the skin becomes soft like a cloth. But at the same time, the leather does not sit in a fur coat, and the fur does not lose its qualities. Just the opposite! The fur coat takes on its original and original appearance, as you once acquired it a long time ago.

Complex repair of mink coats
We repair mink coats of complex cut and style. For example: fur coats from two different colors are disassembled by elements. Dry cleaning for such a fur coat is carried out separately, so that when rubbing in the drum, one color of the fur does not fade to another color. Therefore, we can order the repair of a black dyed mink, which has elements of a white mink.
After a two-phase dry-cleaning, our furriers and hand-tools for fur, restore all internal fillings for a fur coat - as it was in your fur coat initially. Internal fillers of a fur coat are introduced - these are fur guides. If necessary, new mounting belts for fur, soft filling, form-holding internal elements are installed.
At the request of the customer, a complete replacement is carried out: elastic bands, accessories, buttons, replacement of the lining, fur clips, hooks and other elements.
Sometimes mink repair fur coats are also ordered if there are faded spots from frequent contact with the handle of accessories (for example, a handle from a bag). We also carry out this work with two-phase dry cleaning. However, the foreman will take up the job, provided that you contact us immediately to eliminate this trouble. Remember that fur can shed to the point of no return - when even the most experienced craftsman cannot do anything.
Repair of a mink coat It is also carried out if large bald patches appear on the shoulders or on the hip from the bag and frequent friction. For such delicate work, there are many methods for eliminating these troubles.
Sometimes the bottom of a fur coat eaten by moths or due to high humidity, improper storage spoils the bottom of a fur coat in a long product. In such cases, we offer a two-phase dry cleaning and combing out the remnants of larvae with special brass teeth. And after all the manipulations and disinfection - the elimination of the eaten tracks in the fur.
In all cases of repairing a fur coat made of mink or any other fur, we guarantee the correctness of furrier work in our salons - ateliers. You will receive fur service and many other works with further recommendations for extending the service life of fur products directly from us - from professionals in the furrier's craft with many years of experience.

Each repair of a mink coat from expensive fur, unique. Therefore, before getting down to work, our craftsmen need to see the product in order to decide on a particular method of fur restoration.
The flagship House of Fashion Voznesenskaya is pleased to offer all our clients and customers high-quality service for any fur and leather. Call us today!
Recommendations on how to avoid repairing a mink coat and re-repairing a mink coat
Be sure to use our recommendations:
- Change! There should be several fur coats in the wardrobe so that you can change fur coats in frosty weather: the fur will naturally dry out without changing the shape of the patterns and silhouette in the fur coat, the axial pile will be less prone to breakage. Your fur coats will take turns walking, and, therefore, rest from the stress. But, do not forget, the fur coat opens up in frost, the fur loves frost, and does not like warmth and moisture (wet rain, sleet), direct sunlight.
- Fur also does not like: cellophane bags, to be in boxes folded in four or in half, close dressing rooms, batteries and to be near hot, dry or very humid and damp places. Take care of your soft jewel! Store your fur properly, trust it to professionals!
- It is imperative to walk your fur coat in winter - this will extend the life of your fur!
- Service and repair of a mink coat should only be done by professionals! You can be guaranteed to get your fur safe! Remember that the specifics of working with leather and fur is a very rare craft, not everyone can and are able to do this art. It is possessed by a few.

Voznesenskaya's flagship Fashion House offers to carry out a professional expert assessment of your fur coat. If you doubt the purchase made, if you are not sure whether the seller was honest with you, if the fur seems suspicious to you and, in general, you have a lot of questions, be sure to order an expert assessment of the fur coat.
We can also sew a beautiful fur coat at a very affordable price from 100% tested fur and quality accessories!