Altering fur coats
Answers to very important and frequent questions that are asked if you want to alter a fur coat, cut a fur coat or repair a fur coat.
The furriers of the Voznesenskaya Flagship House of Fashion tried to combine as much as possible all possible work carried out in one informational article. We tried to give the most detailed answers to the age-old women's question. — what to do when there is a fur coat or fur products, but in essence there is nothing to wear?

What if you have a fur coat that is beautiful but slightly worn? You can always alter a fur coat by changing yourself and updating the image!
In the case when the product has lost its original gorgeous look, restoration or repair of the fur coat will help, as well as cutting the fur coat or altering it — these are great ways to update your fur item! Our specialists will be able to:
- remove all worn out areas with minimal loss of usable area;
- replace broken hooks with new ones;
- find small holes and sew them up in time. Repair of a fur coat in this case is simply an irreplaceable service;
- give it to a special fur cleaning, brush the light fur by hand, and give an iridescent shine to the dark one. For this procedure, we have a factory professional dry-cleaning of a fur coat;
- comb the product with special brass combs. From this, the fur becomes fluffy and crumbly;
- wash or clean the lining of the product.
Timely care of the fur coat will extend its service life and save your finances. Do not put off repairing your fur coat for a long time.

Do you have a fur coat, but the style is out of fashion and is worn? You can just alter the fur coat!
If the style of the fur coat is no longer the most fashionable, it doesn't matter! You can always alter a fur coat, overlap the fur coat according to the latest trends, and make the maximum redesign of the fur coat.
Of course, fashion is very changeable. And every new season we want something new. I want to keep up with the latest trends and catch admiring glances. Taking out a fur coat from the closet after the summer, it seems still nothing, but after a week or two, the bored style begins to bore, and the worn look is not pleasing to the eye. In this case, we recommend you complete or partial cutting of the fur coat. If you alter the fur coat qualitatively, you can completely transform the product — make the most fashionable thing out of him!
Partially reshape or alter the fur coat – means making small changes to the basic cut. Having looked at you in a fur coat and taking into account your preferences and wishes, our fur stylists and designers will tell you how best to make changes. This can be a change in the length of the product as a whole or only 3/4 or 7/8 sleeves.
You can also reshape a fur coat, and make a hood instead of a collar from the bottom, or make a collar from a hood. Make a silhouette «keg» or fit in. You can trim your product with other fur, leather, lace or fabric. And also replace the lining in the fur coat with a new, more modern one, because the inner look is also important.
Selection from photographs and sketching in sketches
Together with you, offline or online, we are looking at styles and fashionable silhouettes from photographs and pictures in magazines or from fashion resources. We choose what suits you best and suits you, make a sketch, approve a new model. Moving on to the special fabric layout.
Service service for those who are not sure that they want an exact change of several elements in the product. The layout eliminates misunderstandings between client and master. The layout is ideal for balancing the loss of quality of execution and valuable execution time. In layout, all the lines are visible, the cut can be changed before your fur is transferred to cutting. Don't be confused by the layout. All the fashion houses of the great couturiers also work through the layout.
In order to alter a fur coat or reshape a fur coat, furrier specialists are sure to offer all possible options for replacing and updating old fur, accessories, lining. Only then altering fur coats will be qualified.

What procedures do we professionally carry out with fur?
- if there are worn out places - elimination of all worn out places;
- professional fur cleaning;
- elimination of yellowness;
- remove burnt-out areas of fur;
- repaint a fur coat (if desired);
- replacing the feed in a fur coat;
- replace the lining in a fur coat;
- repair the lining in a fur coat;
- replace all old fittings if necessary;
- add identical fur if there is a shortage of it, in order to reshape a fur coat or alter a fur coat;
- offer options for fur in stock or on order;
- to offer a creative with a color palette of fur, that is, inlaid fur, the introduction of several colors and fur textures into a new fur coat without spoiling the product.
You will be able to significantly transform, while spending not so much money at all — significantly less than buying a new thing.

What restoration of fur coats is possible?
- to remake a fur coat after unqualified specialists, this individual service requires serious time expenditures and a high skill of narrow specialization - this is restoration;
- restoration of stuck fur after spilled hot, cold, sweet liquids that dye fur;
- elimination of greasy fur and oily areas in a fur coat;
- elimination of coughing places;
- elimination of all gaps and unstitched seams in the fur.
- professional strengthening of leather, so that it does not break in the future;
- fur polishing;
- dry cleaning of old fur coats that are not taken to dry cleaners.
And other types of fur service, sign up for a consultation.

Guarantee for the entire service of work in our fur salon!
Completely redraw the fur coat, alter the fur coat at the Voznesenskaya Flagship Fashion House – means the ability to completely update the silhouette and change the style of the fur coat and, possibly, even the direction of the hairline. For example, make a fashionable horizontal out of a vertical fur coat – «across». Make a "diagonal" layout of the fur. This is also a change in the size range, if, for example, the fur coat is "not yours", but inherited. You can reshape a fur coat from a strict and boring one into an extravagant and unusual one, thanks to modern technologies for dyeing and toning fur.
What calculations and operations are carried out with fur raw materials:
- perforation of skins;
- inlaid fur coat with new fur, leather, lace, fabric, exotic python skin and crocodile skin;
- breakdown of skins;
- stretching skins;
- transfer of fur;
- turning skins;
- soldering, upsetting, wedges inlet, dissolving, growing skins;
- selection and layout of fur gradation;
- color gradient in furs;
- competent introduction of furrier works;
- rounding, diagonal, transverse, vertical fur, etc.
We also have a fur factory, in which we carry out various procedures for you, such as dyeing a fur coat, recyclable raw materials, surface tinting of a fur coat, dry cleaning of fur, manual delicate cleaning of delicate furs, antimol and spa procedures for the prevention and extermination of pests at a professional high level. And our colorist will help to determine the color, who will take into account your appearance and skin type. Nobody will have such a coat! Take advantage of the opportunity to order an individual tailoring of a fur coat — we carry out the selection of fur, style, accessories, accessories and we will implement everything you need with professional skill, all filling for a fur coat.
Altering fur coats will update your image with new silhouette lines!
The presence of fresh fashion magazines in our Flagship Fashion House will help to visualize the desired image as much as possible. Also, it can be done by our designer in pencil sketch, taking into account all preferences. As a rule, with a complete overlap of a fur coat, first a mock-up of a fabric product is performed, on which all the necessary comments will be made. And only after the final agreement of the model will the fur be cut directly.
As a result, you will receive at least a new fur coat. And even two! Indeed, sometimes with a successful cut, decent pieces of fur remain, which, if you wish, you can leave for further restoration or for sewing. For example, a vest, cape or fur cape. Or it will be some kind of children's product. As you can see, it is possible to alter a fur coat or reshape a fur coat from a specialist. And, in fact, you should not worry if you turned to the meters of furrier craft – to the Voznesenskaya Flagship House of Fashion.
If there are not so many remnants of fur, you can still think of something with them. You can sew a small fur item — for example, a headgear, muff or clutch, a detachable collar on a coat, or other accessory. In any case, it will be cheaper than buying a new item. After all, you do not pay for the leftovers of fur. Not to mention that it will be 100% exclusive, in which your unique style and image will be recognized. As you can see, you can successfully reshape the fur coat, and in the end you will get another small fur product.

What kind of fur do we work with according to the profile?
- karakul, broadtail, swakara, bean;
- breeding species of chinchillas; from classic dark, gray, beige, to natural white and tinted varieties and elite lots of furs;
- arctic fox, black-brown fox, wolf, raccoon, coyote, etc.;
- classic mink. plucked mink, sheared mink, exclusive varieties of mink; blue, gray, white, cross, dyed, bleached, etc.;
- all varieties of sable fur: barguzin sable, kamchatka sable, cage sable, canadian sable, etc .;
- a kind of marten; wood, stove, bleached, tinted sable, painted;
- all varieties of rice, natural rice, lynx cats, bleached lynx, lynx that has undergone artificial stencil pigmentation.
Many furs go well with each other. And not only as decorative inserts, but also by complex cutting of fur. It can be stitching one through one: fur with fur or fur-leather or fur with rep ribbons, braid, lace. For example, a black-and-brown fox embroidered with beaded braid looks very beautiful — gleaming through the feathers of the fur, the fur creates the effect of light frost, attracting the attention of everyone around. Also, complex cutting methods include re-throwing, dissolving and much more, which can be performed by the fur masters of the Voznesenskaya Flagship Fashion House.
Even if it is inappropriate to wear an item in itself, we will help you combine different items into a new beautiful stylish look. For example, our craftsmen can sew a fur vest or sew a fur stole that will wrap and warm you on a cool day or evening.
Fur – this is a unique creation that nature gave us. When it's new — crumbly, fluffy, light and shiny. But over the course of its existence, over time, the fur breathes, absorbs moisture, dries out, stretches, gets dirty, burns out and breaks.
In order for your fur products to serve as long as possible, it is worth keeping an eye on them. Basically, it's as easy as keeping track of the condition of our scalp hair. You should not expose the fur to direct sunlight, periodically you need to walk it in the cold to fluff it up. And let him breathe, taking it out of the closet and shaking off the product.
For the best preservation of the product, the following services will help:
- repair of a fur coat;
- restoration of fur;
- cut fur products;
- altering fur coats;
- cut your fur coats;
- redesign of old fur coats;
- keeping the fur coat clean;
- if necessary - the help of the furrier master after the winter season to correct some points in the product.
The Voznesenskaya Flagship Fashion House will help you to alter, reshape a fur coat or repair a product. Our craftsmen will provide the best recommendations in accordance with the latest trends in high fashion and will carry out alterations or restoration of the fur coat at the highest level.
Take advantage of some of our tips:
- it is better to store fur in a dark, cool and ventilated area;
- once every few years, give a fur coat to a professional fur cleaning — this is the most important thing to do;
- do not expose the fur to the sun's rays and cover it from lamp light in the same way;
- hang the fur on special hangers after a walk;
- clean furs with special brushes after street reagents, if they hit the bottom of a fur coat or fur;
- protect furs from odors of perfume, tobacco smoke, and cooking odors;
- from dyes it is powder, straps from a bag and frequent friction of straps and in a car;
- не включать подогрев авто сидений если Вы одеты в шубу.
Так же как каждый человек периодически моет голову шампунем, смывая излишки жира, пыли и копоти, присутствующих в городах, шубку тоже нужно по окончании сезона, весной, баловать химчисткой. Специальные растворы и обработка профессиональной химией значительно продлит сроки службы меха, избавит от проблем с молью и подарит постоянный роскошный внешний вид Вашему изделию.
Правильный выбор мехового салона и специалистов в скорняжном деле — это главный залог успеха и красоты Вашей шубы или мехового изделия. Выбирайте тщательно специалистов, к которым Вы обращаетесь. Ведь мастер станет незаменимым помощником для дорогого изделия из меха, как семейный доктор на долгие годы.
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